Received “Confirm Your Email Address” from Twitter? Don’t Worry

Confirm Your Twitter Account

Received “Confirm Your Email Address” from Twitter? Don’t worry

if you have received any email claiming you to confirm your Twitter account,

Do not worry about it. It is not a scammer trick of hacking into your account or any fraud message. Twitter confirmed that emails are sent by them to different users, so emails can be reliably neglected.

It has proved that the company unintentionally sent that email to users. Twitter has authenticated that the emails were actually mailed  by the company and not by some trolling blame

Twitter, via post, confirmed that emails are sent by them to different users are transferred by mistake and users don’t have to confirm their account.

“Some of you may have recently received an email to confirm your Twitter account that you weren’t expecting. These were sent by mistake and we’re sorry it happened ”

tweeter wrote in its tweet.

So, Don’t panic and do whatever the company has asked you to do, just ignore the email that was sent by Twitter. “If you received one of these emails, you don’t need to confirm your account. however, you can disregard the message,” the company mentioned in its tweet

After receiving these Emails, many users got anxious about scammers and hackers. However, after a tweet posted by the company, they took a relaxing breath.

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